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The Latest

By January 16, 2013April 1st, 2017Universe

I was having a healthy debate with a long time friend about gun violence and the legislation that has either been passed, or is in the works. The discussion turned to “the latest shooting” by which I meant the Rochester firefighters murders, the Sandy Hook massacre, and the shootings in the Aurora movie theater. He corrected me, adding in the Sikh temple shooting, the shootings at the signage company in Minneapolis, oh and the random killings at the Oregon mall.

Wait a minute.

We need to take a step back.

When we get to the point that the “latest shooting” is so chock-full of events that we can’t keep them straight, it’s time we all acknowledge something is seriously wrong.

Let me restate that: Something is seriously wrong when “the latest shooting” requires a sidebar discussion to determine which killing exactly is the latest.